About Us
The Miniature Dachshund “bug” infiltrated our family when my youngest son
requested one of these.He wanted a dog that he would be able to pick up and carry around himself. His 4 years older brother then also wanted one and Dad bought the third one.
My first ever Chihuahua was given to me by my parents on 23/12/73. Unfotunately she was killed by a car in our own yard, early in 1974. On 11/5/74 Kalinka and Natasha entered my life. They were the inspiration for me to start SANDIRNIEU chihuahuas. In 1979 I started showing both long- and smooth coated chihuahuas. From 1979 to 1985 I won 73 x CC’s, 57 x RCC’s and 63 x BOB’s with long coat chihuahuas. With the smooth coat chihuahuas it was 39 x CC’s (of these one was a 2 pointer), 62 x RCC’s and 14 x BOB’s
Due to circumstances I had to stop showing and later sell my breeding stock in the 1980’s In 2008 my circumstances changed and I could, together with my daughter, restart breeding and showing chihuahuas,
Chihuahuas and Miniature Dachshund
Sandra Nieuwoudt
Tel. 0825502476
Fax. 0865642264
KUSA membership 187574

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